I suppose that’s not world shaking news. But the Narrator asked everybody if anybody had anything to share (after we just posted What Happened part 2)and we’re all feeling pretty subdued. Only of course, I notice that we have a headache. sort of. We’ve ben under all sorts of weird stresses lately and as a result we’ve been having sort of chronic migraines. By chronic I mean that we’ve had several days in which we’ve had thm. Of course I’m not ocunting mainlining chocolate, because that’s our own fault.

Anyway, you wouldn’t believe how sick we got when we checked back in and realized that we had to finish that damned post. Hmm. I wonder (I always wonder)–hey, maybe?? All of a sudden this morning, we got really nauseated. Not to the puke part, but enough to jsut go lie down. Really suddenly. We were writ9ing to the friend who is editing the novel, and we had just emialed Grey about our transportation screwwing up and our not getting in to see her. (It was really cold this moring. The hands are still feeling it. I was totlaly pised off at us. >:-( ) So anyway, I am wondering whether there was sort of a chain of unconscious thinking? We knew that we had to get this material to Grey, and the friend was about writing, so maybe at some point it was all ohhhh shit.

We took a nap (and not even a PRN) and we felt sort of better. We did stuff. Funy, but I wasn’t paying attention, but we watched some tv on the computer (hulu) and then we checked mail, and there was Grey getting bac—no, we saw that earlier. never mind. Anyway, we felt we had to answer Grey’s email (did I say that we emiled her about not coming in? I don’t think so.) So Grey got back to us, and then we explained about the taxi, and then we knew that we had to send her the stuff we promised we’d send her. (She’s really interested in the blog. Much more wired than the other two therapists.)

Wow, I have  a lot of typos to correct here. I type fast, but not always really coherently. I think it’s because I sort of follow where the brain takes me.

So we got together the URLs and the chapter of the copy-protected–ok password protected whatever can you tell I like games and stuff?–memories. I mean the direct first person memories just as Jill told the Narrator, which is more intense than the stuff we have here.

Wow, I took some tylenol for something else, but as soon as I realy let us think about that horrible thing (which happened to ME, I remind you) we start feeling sick again. So I’m ging to stop rambling (i.e. being me,) and go do the most of my spell checking and then we really are going to do something else.

This being honest about shit is exhausting. I really really hate that going back and correcting Everything you do wrong. So I’m not really bothering. The Narrator thinks it’s my charming style, but fuck him. Wow, I am really in a bad mood, I think it’s left over from the just putting up with the stupid cab and getting too cold this morning.