Let’s see:

The move went fairly well. Very expensive. Used up all our last Social Security backpay. Hope and I/we wanted to cry. There are ongoing money wrinkles to work on–more rent than we expected; food stamps having mysteriously fluctuated and dwindled to almost nothing.

That said, we have come to love the new apartment. When we saw it, the bedrooms were tiny, compared to our other place, so I at least was thinking mournfully that it was too small. Well, it’s not; especially after filling two dumpsters with crap. (Can’t believe that we lost almost everything we owned only six years ago–and have cut down both the other times we’ve moved. That stuff thing.)

The bedrooms are indeed small–ours has our moose desk, which means there isn’t enough clearance between the bed and the chair, so we have to slide the chair around like a box puzzle. But it’s all good. Except for the issue of our rarely having a floor at the best of times. *sigh*

Thought: Maybe we’re so insanely untidy because of the DID–too many people all making messes. Hmm. Perhaps we can work on that.

But the big change–bigger, perhaps–is that New Therapist’s fellowship has ended. We see the new one in a couple of weeks. Moniker as yet to be determined.

We also lost our charming prescriber; but have a rather likable old coot whom I shall dub the Pill Lady if she comes up again. She has changed our meds: We are now taking 300mg Lamictal, 75mg Seroquel, .2 mg clonidine, and one and a half  tablets (dosage?) of Risperdal every night; 15mg extended release dexedrine and a half tablet of the Risperdal in the morning (along with our vitamin, yay)–and .05 mg of the clonidine as a PRN.

These meds are to treat the bipolar disorder and the ADHD; obviously, these impact the Nine system and how we function as a whole.

And that’s a wrap. As always, see our individual categories to check for something new. I will probably go mewl about losing New Therapist now. 😦

–The Narrator